Content Calendar

Below you will find an extensive list of Holidays, Celebrations, and Days of Interest


July: Disability Awareness Month

July 1: 

  • Canada Day

  • International Reggae Day

  • National Postal Workers Day

July 2

  • 1964 US President Lyndon B. Johnson signs Civil Rights Act

  • 1809: Chief Tecumseh Called on Native American Nations to Unite 1809

  • Made in the US day 

July 4: 

  • Independence Day

July 5: 

  • 1935 FDR signs US National Labor Relations Act

July 6:

  • 2016: Philando Castile murdered

July 7: 

  • 1930 Construction begins on Boulder (Hoover) Dam

  • 1903: March of the Mill Children

  • World chocolate day 

  • Global forgiveness day 

July 8:

  • 1898: Hawai’i Annexation

July 10: 

  • 1934 1st sitting US President to visit South America, FDR in Colombia

  • 1971 National Women's Political Caucus (NWPC) founded in US

July 11:

  • 1905: The Niagara Movement was formed

  • World population day 

July 12:

  • 1917 The Bisbee Deportation was the illegal deportation of about 1,300 

striking mine workers (IWW-led strike), their supporters, and citizen bystanders by 2,000 vigilantes. 

July 13: 

  • 2013: George Zimmerman Acquitted in Trayvon Martin Killing // Launch of #BlackLivesMatter

  • 2015: Sandra Bland dies in police custody

July 14:

  • Bastille Day 

  • Shark awareness day

  • International Non-Binary People's Day 

July 15:

  • 1978: The Longest Walk ends in DC

  • 2016: Failed Military Coup in Turkey

July 16:

  • 1862: Ida B. Wells birthday

  • Eid Al Adha (2024: 16-19)

July 17:

  • 2014: Eric Garner murdered

  • World day for international justice

July 18:

  • Nelson Mandela Day

  • 2012 Kim Jong-un is officially appointed Supreme Leader of North Korea

  • World listening day 

July 19: 

July 20:

  • 1951: Mattachine Society formally organized

  • 2012: Aurora, Colorado shooting

July 21: 

  • 2010: Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

  • 1969 Neil Armstrong becomes the first person to step on the Moon at 2:56:15 AM (GMT)

July 22:

  • 1849: Poet Emma Lazarus’ birthday

July 23:

  • 2015 Supreme Court rejects Bill Cosby's petition against a civil case of his alleged sexual of 15-year-old girl at the Playboy Mansion in 1974

July 24:

  • Amelia Earhart Day

  • International Self Care Day

  • Washington Star broke the story of the unethical Tuskegee Syphilis Study

  • National Parents Day

July 25:

  • National Intern Day (2024 - Last Thursday of July)

July 26:

  • 1990: Americans with Disabilities Act signed into law

  • 2017 Trump announces policy to ban transgender people from the military

  • 1947 President Truman signs National Security Act (1947), establishing Department of Defense, CIA, National Security Council and Joint Chiefs of Staff

  • National Disability Independence Day

July 27:

  • National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day

  • 1965 - Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act signed

  • Health Care Freedom Act aka “Skinny repeal” health care bill defeated

July 28:

  • 1945 - U.S. Senate ratified UN Charter

  • Buffalo Soldiers Day - first black Americans to serve for U.S. army

July 29:

  • National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 is signed, creating NASA

  • Islamic New Year 

July 30: 

  • 1932 -  Bill signed to create WAVES - Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service

  • 2002 - "The Sarbanes Oxley Act" signed into law by President George W. Bush

  • 2017 - Russian President Vladimir Putin announces American diplomats in Russia cut by 755 in response to American sanctions

  • Support public education day 

  • International day of friendship

  • National Whistle-Blowers Day