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Waking up to Politics

It was the year 2016, and I was like any ordinary citizen, blissfully unaware of the intricate world of politics. I had my own little bubble, focusing on personal goals and local issues that affected me directly. But little did I know, my perspective was about to dramatically shift.

As news of the upcoming U.S. presidential election spread across the nation, I found myself being swept up in the fervor and discussions surrounding the candidates. Despite lacking any prior interest in politics, this particular election seemed different – it sparked a fire within me, a passion to do something, to create change.

As the months wore on and the race intensified, it became evident that the political landscape was on the verge of transformation. It was during this time of profound realization that he was elected as the 45th President of the United States. The proverbial alarm clock went off, shaking me out of my political slumber, and forever altering the course of my life.

Dismayed by the policies and rhetoric that engulfed the nation, I decided to step out of my comfort zone and actively engage in the political arena. I realized that my voice had the power to influence the communities around me, to advocate for the issues I deeply cared about. And so, with an unwavering commitment, I embarked on a journey of political activism.

Initially, I started by volunteering for local campaigns, beginning with small endeavors such as school board races. It was through these experiences that I learned the inner workings of the political machinery, gaining insight into the mechanisms that govern our democratic processes. Each campaign was a stepping stone, a chance to hone my skills and make deeper connections within the political landscape.

As my confidence grew, I set my sights on larger races, challenging myself to reach further and make a substantial impact. I worked tirelessly to support candidates running for the U.S. Congress and Senate, using my newfound expertise to devise innovative digital strategies that would amplify their voices and connect them with voters.

Driven by a common purpose, I co-founded HH Digital Strategies alongside my business partner who shared my passion for progressive and liberal values. Together, we utilized our collective skills to navigate the ever-changing digital landscape of politics, providing strategic guidance to campaigns and organizations seeking to bring about meaningful change.

Working with HH Digital Strategies proved rewarding! I craved the freedom to independently pursue opportunities that aligned with my personal values. My former business partner and I are still close and working on projects together! We just need the ability to purse our projects with more freedom. See us working together for Global Ties and Persistence Pac!