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Fundraising Tip: Ask for people to “pitch in.”

Everyone likes to “pitch in” to help people and causes they support. A great way to raise some money is to ask people to “pitch in” to get a project started that they can see results from right away. 

A few years ago, while I was chair of my local County Party, I sent an email out to your relatively small email list asking for $100 to get 10 yard signs made. I explained that these yard signs would have our Organization Logo on them, and added a photo mockup so they could see the vision, to help bring attention to our events when we were out and about the community. They would be reusable and a great way to ensure people were at the right place when coming to our events for the first time.

My Call to Action (CTA) was simple. “Can you pitch in to help us buy some yard signs?” And guess what - THEY DID!

After hoping for just $100, we raised almost $400! From one simple little email to a handful of people. Why do I think this was successful?

  1. It was a small ask - almost everyone can pitch in $10 for a yard sign

  2. They knew exactly where the money would go - to yard signs!

I was so elated! We ordered our 10 yard signs. And we used them at the very next event we had. I made sure to take pictures of them at the event so we could email back the same list saying “Thank You!” as well as posted them to our social media accounts. Then people donated even more money! They liked seeing their donation had an impact! And new people wanted to get in on the action as well.

This may be a small ask, but this works for larger ones as well. Ask people to pitch in. And be sure to send a THANK YOU and PROOF of their dollars at work!

Also - you should add a blurb that if you raise more money than you need for THIS project, other money will be used for future ones such as X, Y, and Z.